Listening Blog Post: Justin Mensinger

Justin Mensinger is an apparel designer with his own clothing brand. His clothing brand is named after himself (Justin Mensinger or JM), and he mostly makes one of one pieces. This means the pieces he creates are one of a kind, hand made by him. The exclusivity of having an article of clothing that no one else will own makes his products worth much more to a consumer that is very into fashion/ street wear culture. The reaction from people who follow his work is overwhelmingly positive. JM's value proposition is to create unique, fashionable clothing that is still durable, for people that want something no one else owns. Most of the comments on his Instagram page are very generic responses like "dope", "sick af", or a fire emoji. However, the comments that specify what people actually like about his products usually refer to his overall designs and patch work. Something that I find more interesting are the types of people responding to his ...